
Auto-detect location react component using google geocoding and reverse geocoding in autocomplete

Auto detect React Component

AutoDetect : Dumb component

Make a state less component with the SVG included.

onClick handler is passed as props for this component which is defined in Higher order component (AutoComplete)

import React from "react";  
import PropTypes from "prop-types";  
import Navigation from "./navigation.svg";const style = {  
  width: "14px"  
const AutoDetect = (props) => {  
  return (  
    <div >  
      <span className="Datalist\_\_item h-48 c-blue flex flex-middle fs-14" onClick={ props.onClick } >  
        <Navigation className="Note\_\_icon mr-5" fill="#36c" style={ style } /> Current location  
AutoDetect.propTypes = {  
  onClick: PropTypes.func  
AutoDetect.defaultProps = {  
  onClick: null  
};export default AutoDetect;

AutoComplete : Pure component

We call this._renderAutoDetect() in render method of AutoComplete which in turns calls **<AutoDetect />** component described above.

We will pass onClick handler to this

<AutoDetect onClick={ this.\_detectUserLocation } />

which will be passed as prop to AutoDetect component.

**_detectUserLocation** is where we call browser object **navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition** which will first prompt user to allow or deny location.

Browser prompt

If it is allowed then either success or error callback is called.

Error callback

this.geoError = (error) => {  
    switch (error.code) {  
      case error.TIMEOUT:  
      console.log("Browser geolocation error !\\n\\nTimeout.");  
      case error.PERMISSION\_DENIED:  
      console.log("Only secure origins are allowed");  
      case error.POSITION\_UNAVAILABLE:  
      console.log("Browser geolocation error !\\n\\nPosition unavailable.");  

Success callback

this.geoSuccess = (position) => {  
     this.\_displayLocation(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);  

The success callback **geoSuccess** has position as parameter which contains user latitude and longitude.

Now we will call **_displayLocation** passing these lat and long for Google reverse geocoding.

Google Reverse GeoCoding

\_geocodeAddress = (geocoder, latlng) => {  
    geocoder.geocode({ location: latlng }, this.\_geoCodeCallback);  
 }if (navigator.geolocation) {  
     this.\_displayLocation = (latitude, longitude) => {  
      const geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();  
      const latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude);  
      this.\_geocodeAddress(geocoder, latlng);  

From success callback of Geocoding , we called **_displayLocation** where we will instantiate google map **Geocoder** and call **maps.Latlng**

The callback after success is **_geoCodeCallBack**

This callback will have result of different address formats fetched from passed latitude and longitude.

We can fetch city from this result.

\_geoCodeCallback = (results, status, event) => {  
    const google =; // eslint-disable-line  
   if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {  
    if (results\[0\]) {  
      const add = results\[0\].formatted\_address;  
      const value = add.split(",");  
      const count = value.length;  
      const city = value\[count - 3\];  
      // here we can dispatch action to search by city name and     autofill the autocomplete  
    } else {  
      console.log("address not found");  
    } else {  

Now we can dispatch an action to React Middleware or directly to store using connect to fetch the autocomplete result from the city.

const bindActionsToDispatch = dispatch =>  
  searchFlightAirports: (city, meta) => {  
     dispatch(<action\_creator name>(city, meta));  
export default connect(null, bindActionsToDispatch)(Autocomplete);

Below is the entire code.

\_geoCodeCallback = (results, status, event) => {  
    const google =; // eslint-disable-line  
   if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {  
    if (results\[0\]) {  
      const add = results\[0\].formatted\_address;  
      const value = add.split(",");  
      const count = value.length;  
      const city = value\[count - 3\];  
      // here we can dispatch action to search by city name and autofill the autocomplete  
    } else {  
      console.log("address not found");  
    } else {  
  }\_geocodeAddress = (geocoder, latlng) => {  
    geocoder.geocode({ location: latlng }, this.\_geoCodeCallback);  
  }\_detectUserLocation = (event) => {  
    // check for Geolocation support  
    const google =; // eslint-disable-lineif (navigator.geolocation) {  
     this.\_displayLocation = (latitude, longitude) => {  
      const geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();  
      const latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude);  
      this.\_geocodeAddress(geocoder, latlng);  
    };this.geoSuccess = (position) => {  
     this.\_displayLocation(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);  
  };this.geoError = (error) => {  
    switch (error.code) {  
      case error.TIMEOUT:  
      console.log("Browser geolocation error !\\n\\nTimeout.");  
      case error.PERMISSION\_DENIED:  
      console.log("Only secure origins are allowed");  
      case error.POSITION\_UNAVAILABLE:  
      console.log("Browser geolocation error !\\n\\nPosition unavailable.");  
   navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(this.geoSuccess, this.geoError);  
  } else {  
   console.log("Geolocation is not supported for this Browser/OS.");  
 }\_renderAutoDetect = () => {  
  return (  
    <AutoDetect onClick={ this.\_detectUserLocation } />  
}render() {  
    return (  
     <div className="Autocomplete">  
          autoFocus={ this.props.autoFocus }  
          focusDelay={ this.props.focusDelay }  
          inputClassName="Autocomplete\_\_search mb-0"  
          value={ this.props.value }  
          onChange={ this.\_handleChange }  
          placeholder={ this.props.placeHolder }  

Note: You will need to create Google API map key and include that in your website layout file.